ASD Covid Policy

ASD prides itself in going above and beyond the government guidelines in order to maintain safety within the school in such uncertain times.  Due to the nature of our business, the guidelines for dance activities differ to that of academic schools. We have our own protocols in place because the risk of transmission at dance is considered high. Although the government can no longer restrict such activities it can inform them of the risks and how to mitigate them.

As a school we request that we are notified of any positive cases within a family unit. The ‘family’ must then reframe from attending for 7 days whilst the likelihood of infection is established. Research to date has shown that reducing close contact is the way to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The UK Health Security Agency  (formerly PHE)  agree that such mitigating actions are within context for our setting.

Our COVID-19 secure procedure

Included (but not limited to):
i. Ensuring no one attends at the setting (or a part of anyone’s household) if :

a) experiencing COVID-19 symptoms **

b) Have a positive LFT result

c) Are awaiting a PCR test result

d) Have a positive PCR result

e) Have been told that they have been in close contact with a confirmed positive Covid-Case

** If a student attends presenting Covid-19 symptoms / has an immediate family member with Covid,  a risk assessment will be undertaken and either the student sent home and /or isolated from other students and / or all students placed in a 2m no contact zone. ASD reserves the right to undertake any action necessary that it feels can be justified to protect it’s dance community.- If in doubt we are happy to discuss such matters directly and confidentially prior to your child’s attendance.

ii. Promoting regular handwashing in both staff and students
iii. Introduce good hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
iv. introduce enhanced cleaning such as high-contact points.
v. minimise contact between groups where possible
vi. where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

In the event that a dance bubble has to self-isolate or our daily risk mitigation dictates that it would be inappropriate to host in studio classes, all lessons will continue on zoom to avoid an interruption in service- no refund will be given.